On 21.5.2013 the European Commission has issued a new Communication on the need to broaden the migration-development nexus. You may find it here http://www.eunomad.org/images/Communication_CE_maximising_the_development_impact_of_migration.pdf This was done as a contribution for the
After more than two years working on the AMITIE project, we tried to realized an hard goal: summarize the key ideas of the project in a few-minutes-video… and it worked well! You can judge it by yourself… This infographic is showing and exemplifying how migration is a rich, multi-face
This is the challenging topic which, in Amitie context, was discussed on the April 2nd 2012 at CDLEI of Bononia, with the finality of debate about immigration and to provide and develope interpretations and information, useful for deal with that themes at school. Conscious that “
Today – 8th of April 2013 – we celebrate the “Romano Dives”, the International Romani Day in memory of the first Romani world congress organized in London in 1971. That congress has established, as official name of the Romani nation, the name “Roma”, literally “man” or “po
After over a year of research, experimentation with new forms of participation aimed at involving non-native citizens of foreign origin, experimentation with new ways to communicate the link between migration and development, the shelf of AMITIE products is enriched with a new instrum
Hakim Chebakia is a 24-year-old guy who comes from Kenitra, Morocco. He arrived in Italy in 1995. Now he owns a bar-restaurant in Bologna and plays boxing, which is his passion. Which is a memory, an image, something that represents you whenever you think about the past and the presen