Widespread within your friends the AMITIE campaign, you can recommend us on your web-site, your facebook page, your newsletter, your twitter profile or hang our poster on the wall of your room! Download the flyer! You can find everything you need hereunder, download and share it!
Watch the movie! You can watch THIS IS MY STORY OR OURS, Reda Zine’s movie for AMITIE, on youtube. Do you like it? Recommend it, organize a community screening and then tell us how was ita…
Do you like the campaign? Then click Like and start to follow us on facebook and twitter!
Tell us your story! Everybody has a story to tell: become an AMITIE testimonial/witness!
Signal the events about migration and human rights you know about (courses, conferences, concerts, parties or workshops), so that they can be promoted and well-known thanks to the AMITIE campaign. We are creating a participatory program full of meetings, activities and events to know, communicate and share AMITIE point of view and to collect perspectives and ideas about migration, development and human rights. The events we are creating express our reality, it means a plural society, and an opportunity of active involvement and exchange.
Suggest your ideas for the AMITIE community events and the final AMITIE festival (19th, 20th and 21st of April 2013, Bologna) – a dinner, a sport competition, a theatre piece or an happy hour, everything you think could be stimulating for everyone!